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SQL Space Monitor - Version 2
by BF (Principal Consultant; Architecture; Engineering)

SQL Space Monitor - Version 2:
Captures, Logs, Alerts & Reports for Microsoft SQL Server Database Data and Log File Space plus Disk Space.
We have included in Version 2 the logic for Warning and Alert Thresholds - per Database Data and Log Files Internal Space and Disk Space - as parameters and also added the ability to email a HTML generated report. The report has row-level markers that differentiate each type of space monitor and easily displays to the user the items needing attention. Version 2 also includes a permanent table for logging of all system & user databases space and all disk mounts space.
If needed, Version 1 is located here: T-SQL Get Databases File Sizes
T-SQL Solution:
Create Logging Table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK]( [LogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DB] [sysname] NOT NULL, [LogicalFileName] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [PhysicalFileName] [nvarchar](500) NULL, [FileID] [int] NULL, [FileSizeMB] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [FileFreeSpaceMB] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [FileFreeSpace%] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [DiskMount] [nvarchar](5) NULL, [DiskSizeGB] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [DiskFreeSpaceGB] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [DiskFreeSpace%] [decimal](18, 2) NULL, [InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL, [PeriodEnding] [datetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [LogID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
Create Stored Procedure:
Create Procedure dbo.sp_Server_Space_DB_DISK @WarningThresholdPercent decimal(18,0) = 10, -- <10% @WarningThresholdValue decimal(18,0) = 10, -- <5GB @AlertThresholdPercent decimal(18,0) = 5, -- <5% @AlertThresholdValue decimal(18,0) = 5, -- <1GB @EmailReport int = 1 as
/* Reference: */
Set nocount on
Declare @PeriodEnding datetime; Declare @IsWarnings bit = 0; Declare @IsAlerts bit = 0; Declare @tableHTML nvarchar(max); Set @PeriodEnding = GetDate();
Create Table #TMP ( [DB] sysname, [LogicalFileName] nvarchar(100), [PhysicalFileName] nvarchar(500), [FileID] int, [FileSizeMB] decimal (18,2), [FileFreeSpaceMB] decimal (18,2), [FileFreeSpace%] decimal (18,2), [DiskMount] nvarchar(5), [DiskSizeGB] decimal (18,2), [DiskFreeSpaceGB] decimal (18,2), [DiskFreeSpace%] decimal (18,2), ) Exec sp_msforeachdb ' Use [?]; INSERT INTO #TMP (DB, LogicalFileName, PhysicalFileName, FileID, FileSizeMB, FileFreeSpaceMB, [FileFreeSpace%], [DiskMount], DiskSizeGB, DiskFreeSpaceGB, [DiskFreeSpace%]) SELECT DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], f.Name, f.physical_name, f.[file_id] As [FileID], CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),f.size) * 8.0/1024.0,2)) As FileSizeMB, CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),f.size) * 8.0/1024.0,2) - CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),FILEPROPERTY(, ''SpaceUsed'') * 8.0/1024.0)) As FileFreeSpaceMB, CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),CAST(f.size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(, ''SpaceUsed'') AS int)/128.0 AS DECIMAL(18,2)) / CAST((f.size/128.0) AS DECIMAL(18,3)) * 100) As [File Free Space(%)], volume_mount_point [Disk Mount], CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),total_bytes/1024.00/1024.00/1024.00) As [Disk Size(GB)], CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),available_bytes/1024.00/1024.00/1024.00) AS [Disk Space Available(GB)], CAST(CAST(available_bytes AS DECIMAL(18,2)) / CAST(total_bytes AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS DECIMAL(18,3)) * 100 As [Disk Free Space %] FROM sys.database_files f INNER JOIN sys.master_files m on f.file_id = m.file_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.data_spaces As ds WITH (NOLOCK) ON f.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(database_id, m.file_id) WHERE m.database_id = db_id() ' Insert into [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] ([DB],[LogicalFileName],[PhysicalFileName],[FileID],[FileSizeMB],[FileFreeSpaceMB],[FileFreeSpace%], [DiskMount],[DiskSizeGB],[DiskFreeSpaceGB],[DiskFreeSpace%],[InsertedDate],[PeriodEnding]) Select [DB],[LogicalFileName],[PhysicalFileName],[FileID],[FileSizeMB],[FileFreeSpaceMB],[FileFreeSpace%], [DiskMount],[DiskSizeGB],[DiskFreeSpaceGB],[DiskFreeSpace%], GetDate(),@PeriodEnding From #TMP order by [DB] asc, [FileID] asc
--Begin Warnings: IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [FileFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent) or ([DiskFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [DiskFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent and [DiskFreeSpaceGB] < @WarningThresholdValue) ) Begin Set @IsWarnings = 1
IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [FileFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent) ) Begin Select 'Warning[!] DB Space [Btw:' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%-' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdPercent) + '%]' as 'Message', [FileFreeSpace%], DB, [PhysicalFilename] from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [FileFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent) order by [FileFreeSpace%] asc End IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([DiskFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [DiskFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent) and ([DiskFreeSpaceGB] < @WarningThresholdValue) ) Begin Select distinct 'Warning[!] Disk Space(' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%-' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdPercent) + '%;<' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdValue) + 'gb)' as 'Message', [DiskFreeSpace%], [DiskFreeSpaceGB], DiskMount from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([DiskFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [DiskFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent) and ([DiskFreeSpaceGB] < @WarningThresholdValue) order by [DiskFreeSpace%] asc End End Else Begin Select 'No Warnings' as 'Message Warnings:' End
--Begin Alerts: IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent or [DiskFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent and [DiskFreeSpaceGB] < @WarningThresholdValue) ) Begin
Set @IsAlerts = 1
IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent) ) Begin Select 'Alert[X] DB Space(<' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%)' as 'Message', [FileFreeSpace%], DB, [PhysicalFilename] from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([FileFreeSpace%]) < @AlertThresholdPercent order by [FileFreeSpace%] asc End IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([DiskFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent) and ([DiskFreeSpaceGB] < @AlertThresholdValue) ) Begin Select 'Alert[X] Disk Space(<' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%)' as 'Message', [DiskFreeSpace%], [DiskFreeSpaceGB], DiskMount from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([DiskFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent) order by [DiskFreeSpace%] asc End End Else Begin Select 'No Alerts' as 'Message Alerts:' End
--Begin Notifications: If (@IsWarnings = 1 or @IsAlerts = 1) and @EmailReport = 1 Begin
SET @tableHTML = N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"><u>REPORT TITLE:</u> DATABASE FILE & DISK SPACE - WARNINGS & ALERTS</H4>' + N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;">' + @@SERVERNAME + '</H4></font>' + N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;">' + convert(nvarchar(25),@PeriodEnding) + '</H4></font>' + N'<table border="1" style=”font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:11pt;”> ' + N'<tr align="left"><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Server</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">DB</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Run Date</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">FileFreeSpace%</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">PhysicalFileName</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Disk Mount</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">DiskFreeSpace%</th> </tr>' + CAST ((
Select Case When [FileFreeSpace%] > @AlertThresholdPercent and [FileFreeSpace%] < @WarningThresholdPercent then '#ffff33' When [FileFreeSpace%] < @AlertThresholdPercent then '#ff3333' Else '#d9d9d9' end AS [@bgcolor], td = [Server], '', td = [DB], '', td = [PeriodEnding], '', td = [FileFreeSpace%], '', td = [PhysicalFileName], '', td = [DiskMount], '', td = [DiskFreeSpace%], '' From ( Select @@ServerName as [Server], [DB], CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),@PeriodEnding,107) as [PeriodEnding], [FileFreeSpace%], [PhysicalFileName], [DiskMount], [DiskFreeSpace%] from [dbo].[LOG_SPACE_DB_DISK] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding ) t
FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' ;
Set @tableHTML = '</br><font size=2>' + @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Report Warning Run Values: File Space: Between ' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%-' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdPercent) + '% free space'
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br>' + '- Report Warning Run Values: Disk Space: Between ' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '%-' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdPercent) + '% free space and Less Than ' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdValue) + 'GB free space'
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Report Alert Run Values: File Space: Less Than ' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdPercent) + '% free space' Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br>' + '- Report Alert Run Values: Disk Space: Less Than ' + Convert(varchar(5),@AlertThresholdValue) + 'GB free space'
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '<font size=2>- Source: sp_Server_Space_DB_DISK'
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Delivered by DBMail on SRV-NYC-01' + + '</font>'
If @tableHTML <> '' and @tableHTML IS NOT NULL Begin EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'Profilexyz', @recipients='', @subject = 'MSSQL - Database File & Disk Space - Warnings & Alerts Report: SRV-NYC-01', @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' ; End
Drop Table #TMP GO
HTML Generated Report with row-level markers for Warnings and Alerts:
