COMPRESS (Transact-SQL) - Compresses the input expression using the GZIP algorithm. The result of the compression is byte array of type varbinary(max).
DECOMPRESS (Transact-SQL) - Decompress input expression using GZIP algorithm. Result of the compression is byte array (VARBINARY(MAX) type). - Cast result to a target type if needed.
Drop temp table is exists:
IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#TMP', 'U') IS NOT NULL Begin Drop Table #TMP; End
Create temp table:
CREATE TABLE #TMP ( WebSiteID INT IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY, WebSiteURL VARBINARY(MAX), WebsiteShortDescription VARBINARY(MAX), WebsiteLongDescription VARBINARY(MAX), WebsiteFullDescription VARBINARY(MAX) ) GO
Declare & populate variables:
Declare @varWebSiteURL VARCHAR(MAX) = ''
Declare @varWebsiteShortDescription VARCHAR(MAX) = ' A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication'
Declare @varWebsiteLongDescription VARCHAR(MAX) = ' A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication'
Declare @varWebsiteFullDescription VARCHAR(MAX) = ' A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication A site for IT Operations, SysAdmins & DevOps featuring Microsoft + Cloud Computing + Data Replication'
Check DATALENGTH of variables:
SELECT DATALENGTH(@varWebSiteURL) as 'DATALENGTH @varWebSiteURL', DATALENGTH(@varWebsiteShortDescription) as 'DATALENGTH @varWebsiteShortDescription', DATALENGTH(@varWebsiteLongDescription) as 'DATALENGTH @varWebsiteLongDescription', DATALENGTH(@varWebsiteFullDescription) as 'DATALENGTH @varWebsiteFullDescription'
Insert into temp table while compressing the data:
INSERT INTO #TMP (WebSiteURL,WebsiteShortDescription,WebsiteLongDescription,WebsiteFullDescription) Select COMPRESS(@varWebSiteURL), COMPRESS(@varWebsiteShortDescription), COMPRESS(@varWebsiteLongDescription), COMPRESS(@varWebsiteFullDescription)
Check DATALENGTH of compressed table data:
SELECT DATALENGTH(WebSiteURL) as 'DATALENGTH WebSiteURL(Compressed)', WebSiteURL AS 'Compressed Data', CAST(DECOMPRESS(WebSiteURL) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 'Decompressed Data' FROM #TMP SELECT DATALENGTH(WebsiteShortDescription) as 'DATALENGTH WebsiteShortDescription(Compressed)', WebsiteShortDescription AS 'Compressed Data', CAST(DECOMPRESS(WebsiteShortDescription) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 'Decompressed Data' FROM #TMP SELECT DATALENGTH(WebsiteLongDescription) as 'DATALENGTH WebsiteLongDescription(Compressed)', WebsiteLongDescription AS 'Compressed Data', CAST(DECOMPRESS(WebsiteLongDescription) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 'Decompressed Data' FROM #TMP SELECT DATALENGTH(WebsiteFullDescription) as 'DATALENGTH WebsiteFullDescription(Compressed)', WebsiteFullDescription AS 'Compressed Data', CAST(DECOMPRESS(WebsiteFullDescription) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 'Decompressed Data' FROM #TMP

As you can see in the diagram above, the longer the string the better compression works!!!
These functions use standard GZip algorithm so you can compress data in application layer/client side and send compressed data to SQL Server, or you can compress data in SELECT query and DECOMPRESS it in client side.
DATALENGTH() - Returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression. - DATALENGTH is especially useful with varchar, varbinary, text, image, nvarchar, and ntext data types because these data types can store variable-length data.